What a start
Sometimes I spend a lot of time making pretty spreadsheets where I put down all the details of the writing projects I’m working on. It creates a sense of peace and order. Then reality happens and I blow all of that up and go on a wild tangent.
The start of this year was no different. One major project is on hold, and yet I’ve written a new novel manuscript in just over a month, titled My Dad, The Assassin. It’s a middle grade urban fantasy and is currently in the editing phase. I also hadn’t planned on starting it until the second half of this year or even next year. But wait, there’s more. I started the sequel today and it felt good to break ground with chapter one.
I’m pleased to say Rebyrth is moving forward. I have the editor scheduled and have just commissioned the cover. Fingers crossed a release date will be coming soon.
I hope the start of your year has been less chaotic, but just as productive!
- R Max Tillsley