Happy New Years!
I hope your year has been filled with joy and coffee (is that a tautology?)
I have set myself an impossible schedule so do not take the following as a 2023 release promise, more a list of projects I’m shepharding forward.
The Steele Bite Release
Battling ghosts and uncovering mysteries was just the start. Susie, Monika, and Daisy are back for a new adventure. Crazy schemes abound: a dark threat that could end world, a phone call that means everything, allies that can’t be trusted.
Wanda Peek
Internal art sneak peak for The Steele Bite, The Susie Steele Adventures Book 2.
Checking In
Well, it’s the end of another November. This year, I didn’t even consider NaNoWriMo. I love the idea of pushing in one month to get major progress on a novel, but sometimes I have enough going on that putting current projects aside isn’t an option.
That doesn’t mean that I’ve been asleep at the keyboard. Here’s what’s been happening:
On Deadly Ground - Last stands at their best
On Deadly Ground, a new action packed science fiction anthology featuring R Max Tillsley’s short story, Contours of War.